
Skin boosters (face, around eyes, hands, neck)

Skin Boosters are injectables that improve skin texture, elasticity, hydration, and overall appearance. They are specially designed to rehydrate different skin layers for a long lasting moisturisation and improvement of the skin surface, creating a natural and fresh look. Some of the benefits of skin boosters are: Radiant, glowing complexion; Improved skin tone and texture; Improved skin firmness; Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles; Reduce dry, crepey skin; Tighter/lifted skin; Fight signs of ageing; Better hydration; Improved appearance of dark circles; Stimulating collagen/ elastin production for healthier skin overall. They can be used to treat face, hands, neck and chest/decolletage.


A comprehensive patient oriented aesthetic centre committed to providing superb patient care. Our targets are to improve our clients’ sense of confidence, personal fulfilment, and quality of life.

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