
Dermal fillers

Many visible signs of aging can be due to volume loss. As tissues thin out, wrinkles appear or become more visible around the nose and mouth and the cheeks can look hollow. Dermal Fillers are unique products designed to hydrate, tighten, and rejuvenate your skin in the face, neck, chest, and hands. They can restore loss of volume by providing structural support to lift deep creases with hyaluronic acid (HA) — a substance naturally produced in the human body.

Dearmal Filler areas

  • Lip fillers
  • Facial Dermal fillers (cheeks, midface, chin, temple)
  • Face recontouring
  • Non-surgical facelift (8-point face lift)
  • Non-surgical nose job (liquid rhinoplasty)

A comprehensive patient oriented aesthetic centre committed to providing superb patient care. Our targets are to improve our clients’ sense of confidence, personal fulfilment, and quality of life.

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